canada stamp 1812m millennium medallion 2000
canada stamp 1812m millennium medallion 2000
canada stamp 1812m millennium medallion 2000

Canada Stamp #1812M - Millennium Medallion (2000)

SKU: CAN-1812M
Mint (M)
Non-denominated coin struck by the Royal Canadian Mint and exclusively produced for the Millenium Keepsake metal box set issued by Canada Post (thematic collection #89). Its format is extremely similar to a Canadian twenty-five-cent coin.

Although it has not been dedicated its own Scott number (#1812M is our internal code), the catalogue acknowledges it and refers to is as a medallion. A nice complement to collect, as there aren't many coins with the inscription: CANADA POST!
USD $2.50
 In Stock


Country Canada
#Scott 1812M
Issue Millennium Issues (Dove)
Name Millennium Medallion
Date 2000-01-01
Colour Silver

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