us stamp postage issues 755 nicolet s landing no gum 3 1935

US stamp #755 - Nicolet's Landing, no gum (1935) 3¢

SKU: USA-0755
Mint - No Gum (M-NG)
USD $0.60
 In Stock

Used (U)
USD $0.60
 In Stock

Plate Block - VFNH (PB)
Cv. $11.00
USD $9.90
 Out of Stock

Mint no gum pair horizontal line (MNG HORIZ LINE PAIR)
USD $1.75
 Out of Stock

Mint no gum pair vertical line (MNG VERT LINE PAIR)
USD $1.50
 Out of Stock


Nicolet's Landing, no gum

Country United States
#Scott 755
Name Nicolet's Landing, no gum
Face Value
Date 1935